Phil Carman was born on Earth year 3078 in New London. His parents were from an upper class family who specialized in the building of spaceships. Their company was competing with the largest company on Earth the GUIS Collective.
Since Phil was a child, he had always been interested in spaceships. At the age of 7 he and his parents went on holiday to Alexandria and he saw space for the first time. From that moment he wanted to be a pilot.
His parents paid for flight school and he graduated at the age of 19. He joined the ESAD science program and trained for Specialist-Pilot. In march year 3099 he was assigned to the fourth wing and flew for the first time in an M40 X pro Asteroid Class Explorer.
Later he met Cailey his copilot. It was thanks to him and his wing that Earth was saved from the Kohlar in year 3102.
He died year 3130.
Phil Carman was born on Earth year 3078 in New London. His parents were from an upper class family who specialized in the building of spaceships. Their company was competing with the largest company on Earth the GUIS Collective.
Since Phil was a child, he had always been interested in spaceships. At the age of 7 he and his parents went on holiday to Alexandria and he saw space for the first time. From that moment he wanted to be a pilot.
His parents paid for flight school and he graduated at the age of 19. He joined the ESAD science program and trained for Specialist-Pilot. In march year 3099 he was assigned to the fourth wing and flew for the first time in an M40 X pro Asteroid Class Explorer.
Later he met Cailey his copilot. It was thanks to him and his wing that Earth was saved from the Kohlar in year 3102.
He died year 3130.
Cailey Setana was born on Alexandria year 3079 in a middle class family.
Her parents, Philip and Sarah Setana, were traders on the outer colonies and were almost never home. She was raised by her neighbors, an old lady and her husband. They treated her like she was their own. When her parents came home she was usually ignored by them and she was often on her own.
At the age of 16 she started smuggling a fairly harmless drug called QTA to various parts of her hometown. She made quite some money on her illegal business and for this she went to flight school. Her parents thought this was a good idea since they could use a pilot for their own company.
Caileys relation with her parents improved after she graduated at the age of 20. She worked for her parents company for a while but left because of the gangs her parents were involved with. After this she lost connections with her parents again and she went looking for a job.
At this time the ESAD had just had a huge accident with one of their heavy cargo ships exploded and they had lost many pilots. She applied for the job and got accepted. She did not have the qualifications for being a pilot but she was qualified for copilot if she completed the communications specialists and astrophysicist training for advanced pilots.
After being with the ESAD for a couple of months, she received news that her parents had been killed in a struggle between to gangs. After this she focused harder on her training to ignore the pain. On the fifteenth of august year 3101 she was assigned to the fourth wing.
There she met Phil Carman, her pilot and best friend. They completed many missions together and fought side by side against the Kohlar under the attack in year 3102. She stayed with the ESAD until she retired in year 3131.
She died in year 3180 at the age of 101.
Cailey Setana was born on Alexandria year 3079 in a middle class family.
Her parents, Philip and Sarah Setana, were traders on the outer colonies and were almost never home. She was raised by her neighbors, an old lady and her husband. They treated her like she was their own. When her parents came home she was usually ignored by them and she was often on her own.
At the age of 16 she started smuggling a fairly harmless drug called QTA to various parts of her hometown. She made quite some money on her illegal business and for this she went to flight school. Her parents thought this was a good idea since they could use a pilot for their own company.
Caileys relation with her parents improved after she graduated at the age of 20. She worked for her parents company for a while but left because of the gangs her parents were involved with. After this she lost connections with her parents again and she went looking for a job.
At this time the ESAD had just had a huge accident with one of their heavy cargo ships exploded and they had lost many pilots. She applied for the job and got accepted. She did not have the qualifications for being a pilot but she was qualified for copilot if she completed the communications specialists and astrophysicist training for advanced pilots.
After being with the ESAD for a couple of months, she received news that her parents had been killed in a struggle between to gangs. After this she focused harder on her training to ignore the pain. On the fifteenth of august year 3101 she was assigned to the fourth wing.
There she met Phil Carman, her pilot and best friend. They completed many missions together and fought side by side against the Kohlar under the attack in year 3102. She stayed with the ESAD until she retired in year 3131.
She died in year 3180 at the age of 101.