M40 Asteroid Class Explorer Redux - Read more about the A.C.E - 2022
Mallard - 2022
L.E.V Yorktown - 2021
Parallax Mothership
B3 Personal Shuttle - 2022
Striker MK 1 - Hyperventila: The Game - 2021
Inter-Corp Tracker - Hyperventila: The Game - 2019
Echron Cruiser - Hyperventila: The Game - 2019
Manta Class II Shuttle - Hyperventila: The Game - 2019
Vortexe One is an experimental unmanned SSTO (Single Stage To Orbit) space plane capable of carrying larger payloads into orbit than other craft of its type.
The fuselage consists of carbon-ceramic tiles and reinforced carbon-titanium plates along the nose and wings held together by an aluminum-carbon space frame on the inside. The craft has two Vortex Velocity MK1 hybrid air breathing rocket engines. Fuel: Liquid Hydrogen Oxidizer: Liquid Oxygen Weight: 56,100 kg Wingspan: 55,2 meters Length: 91,7 meters Height: 10,2 Meters Top Speed: Mach 29,2 |
U.S.S Stirling - 2019
Cargo Ship "Integrity" - Click to Enlarge
The ESAD-C Bokai-Class Transport Ship "Argae"
Star Wars - Naboo Starfighter
L50 (ESAD Blue)
L50 (Inferno Red)
"4th M40 X pro ACE wing in an asteroid field"
The 4th wing is one of the main themes in SPACE 3102: ACE's Void.
M40 X pro A.C.E
The M40 X pro Asteroid class Explorer (or A.C.E) is a highly advanced ship based upon the M20+ class Explorer. Both have the design of a classic space shuttle with some differences. When the M20+ was first created by Japanese scientist Jovor Longs it was just used for deep space reconnaissance missions. But when the second version, the M20 X planet class explorer was released, it was then they saw the opportunities evolve. The M40 X was the third in this series to be made and it was still the same design but it had a better engine and more cargo capabilities. The M40 X pro Asteroid class explorer is therefore the fourth in the series and, as the name says, is exclusively created for asteroid exploration. It has thrusters strong enough for really sharp turns and its maneuvering capabilities are so good that , when flown by the right pilot, it can land on an asteroid in mid flight. Is has the same cargo capabilities as the M40 X but it has only got room for one pilot and one copilot. The training for being a qualified M40 X a.c.e pilot is one of the hardest, because this spacecraft unlike all the others has heavy weapons, the pilots and copilots both need to complete the weapons training for military fighter pilots. Even although these ships are very outdated they are still used for many things but new ones are not being made anymore. After the success of the M40 X many other ships were made, like the M40 X planet class explorer and the M50 X planet class explorer.
Custom M40 X pro Asteroid Class Explorers
1. Extra powerful cockpit frame
2. Polarized cockpit window
3. M45 X A.C.E Custom with improved engine system
ESAD Naneä Swift
The cockpit
L-50 fighters and L-30 Fighters
ESAD Sentinel Prime
ESAD Sentinel Prime
The Sentinel Prime is the largest ship in the ESAD fleet. The Aloadae II and it's sister ship the Neptunae are both Sirius-Class starships and are capable of intergalactic space-travel.