The intergalactic planets: Terra (Earth), Alexandria and Theogonia.
Including, Colonies 14, 24, 31 and 33. (Dated Year 3100)
Earth, also known as Terra (the Milky Way)
Population: 6.91 Billion
Planet-class: H01
Radius: 6,371 km
Satellites: 1 (the Moon)
Atmosphere: Nitrogen, Oxygen, Argon
Fact: 72.3 % of the surface is covered by water.
Alexandria (the Ephialtes-System)
Population: 4.17 Billion
Planet-class: H01-2
Radius: 7,922 km
Satellites: 3 (Gaia, Fenu and Hinu)
Atmosphere: Nitrogen, Oxygen, Argon
Fact: 69 % of the surface is covered by deserts and wastelands.
Theogonia (the Hormes-System)
Population: 3.93 Billion
Planet-class: H01
Radius: 10,893 km
Satellites: 0
Atmosphere: Nitrogen, Oxygen, Argon
Fact: Theogonia is covered by 90 % forests and jungles around the equator. Only 40 % of the surface is water, other water deposits are stored in frozen form around the north and south poles.
C.14 (the G1-System)
Population: 34 scientists, 203 civilians and 4 Standard ESAD pilots.
Planet-class: H03-4
Radius: 7.934 km
Satellites: 0
Atmosphere: Nitrogen, Oxygen, Argon, Carbon Monoxide
C.24 (the MI-System)
Population: 30 scientists, 199 civilians and 3 Standard ESAD pilots.
Planet-class: H02
Radius: 2.054 km
Satellites: 0
Atmosphere: Nitrogen, Oxygen, Argon
C.31 (the OT-System)
Population: 20 scientists, 170 civilians and 3 Standard ESAD pilots.
Planet-class: H02
Radius: 7,850 km
Satellites: 1 (an asteroid called “Garr”)
Atmosphere: Nitrogen, Oxygen, Argon
C.33 (the OT-System)
Population: 63 scientists and 8 ESAD pilots.
Planet-class H09-10
Radius: 4.392 km
Satellites: 0
Atmosphere: Argon, Carbon Monoxide
Fact: Used to be an asteroid about 35000 years ago.
Including, Colonies 14, 24, 31 and 33. (Dated Year 3100)
Earth, also known as Terra (the Milky Way)
Population: 6.91 Billion
Planet-class: H01
Radius: 6,371 km
Satellites: 1 (the Moon)
Atmosphere: Nitrogen, Oxygen, Argon
Fact: 72.3 % of the surface is covered by water.
Alexandria (the Ephialtes-System)
Population: 4.17 Billion
Planet-class: H01-2
Radius: 7,922 km
Satellites: 3 (Gaia, Fenu and Hinu)
Atmosphere: Nitrogen, Oxygen, Argon
Fact: 69 % of the surface is covered by deserts and wastelands.
Theogonia (the Hormes-System)
Population: 3.93 Billion
Planet-class: H01
Radius: 10,893 km
Satellites: 0
Atmosphere: Nitrogen, Oxygen, Argon
Fact: Theogonia is covered by 90 % forests and jungles around the equator. Only 40 % of the surface is water, other water deposits are stored in frozen form around the north and south poles.
C.14 (the G1-System)
Population: 34 scientists, 203 civilians and 4 Standard ESAD pilots.
Planet-class: H03-4
Radius: 7.934 km
Satellites: 0
Atmosphere: Nitrogen, Oxygen, Argon, Carbon Monoxide
C.24 (the MI-System)
Population: 30 scientists, 199 civilians and 3 Standard ESAD pilots.
Planet-class: H02
Radius: 2.054 km
Satellites: 0
Atmosphere: Nitrogen, Oxygen, Argon
C.31 (the OT-System)
Population: 20 scientists, 170 civilians and 3 Standard ESAD pilots.
Planet-class: H02
Radius: 7,850 km
Satellites: 1 (an asteroid called “Garr”)
Atmosphere: Nitrogen, Oxygen, Argon
C.33 (the OT-System)
Population: 63 scientists and 8 ESAD pilots.
Planet-class H09-10
Radius: 4.392 km
Satellites: 0
Atmosphere: Argon, Carbon Monoxide
Fact: Used to be an asteroid about 35000 years ago.