So right now my apartment is in a dreadful state. Boxes everywhere, random furniture with no actual stylistic cohesion and quite a lot of dust that built up over the years. Well let's see if I can put an end to this.
This new project is intended to sort out this dreadful mess and make it a much nicer place to live.
The bed and lamp in the corner I already have... so there's that.
As for the rest. The sofa I might be able to buy somewhere, the table can probably be made quite easily provided I can find the right wood and glass. Same goes for the little bookshelf and night stand, I will see if I can have those made or make them myself.
The table for the printer and television are very much placeholders but I'll settle for anything that makes sense stylistically and that holds up the TV. The TV itself I thought would be far to expensive, 40 to 60 inch TVs cost around the 600 Euro's. Obviously I forgot that I have two gaming monitors that cost about 700 Euro's each so that puts that into perspective I think.
Those ceiling lamps though... they're going be tricky. Maybe with some 3D printing and/or paper I can craft a couple of them.