I also had to design the AI's control room. A rugged dark space that is home to the AI itself. Each computer core surrouding the control area.
Another unique design for a client. The Parallax mothership, a ship controlled by an AI that has been on the run for many years. The ship is home to over 100.000 passengers and is more than two kilometers long.
I also had to design the AI's control room. A rugged dark space that is home to the AI itself. Each computer core surrouding the control area.
Hi there folks! Besides Hyperventila launching on Steam, I've been doing more and more design commissions for people (gotta pay the bills somehow) and I'd like to just highlight some of my most recent work. Who knows maybe you'll like what you see and commission a design of your own. M an t h a Q u a d c o p t e r This project already rather stands out on its own by being a little more unusual than what I am usually asked to design. A client from Singapore contacted me to design their one-man quadcopter that they may even put into production one day. It had to be light but also enclosed and not higher than two meters. The design was to be used for promotional shots and to pitch to investors. The job continued with additional requirements for animation and adding a character + helmet. This took a bit longer but was a fun challenge nonetheless. Here you can see the two finished animations: Additional animations are planned for this job but seeing as that I was charging less than a tenth of what I should have been charging on Fiverr, I'll have to drive the price up for the next one. M a r s C o i n One of my first commisions ever back in 2014, when this cryptocurrency was just starting out, I was asked to design the official coin for MARS. While perhaps not my best logo design ever they kept it all these years and even recently asked me to design an animated icon for their Discord community. What better way to celebrate the launch of their Discord community than with a rocket launch. F r o m T h e V 3 D A r c h i v e s Now, besides creating new works of art, I've been looking back on my older designs and some of them really deserved a better render. I also wanted to compile a video highlighting my best work in the field of spacecraft and prop design, so I embarked on the arduous quest of importing these old trueSpace models into Blender, setting them up with new materials and giving them a new render. Which brings me to the next project... B r i c k L a u n c h e r
T h e F u t u r e
My name is Tymen, an illustrator originally from the Netherlands. MY Categories
The VITRIOL 3D Blog Archives
March 2023