Merry christmas and a happy new year!
Another Hyperventila-style vessel. I haven't worked on anything in a while but this project started as a bit of a 3D doodle and I managed to stay motivated enough to make it to a final render. Probably the last model of this year. Can't wait to see what creative projects I will come up with in 2025.
Merry christmas and a happy new year!
A light transport shuttle, designed and built at Moga Shipyards, first launcher in the year 4102. Luxurious on the inside for its time. A design for Hyperventila: The Game. Back in 2010 I had a lot of strange and ambitious ideas for games, mods and designs. None was more ambitious at the time than Space 3102, ACE's Void, a flight sim/first person shooter featuring the M40 Asteroid Class Explorer. This tiny shuttle was a research vessel, designed for high maneuverability in dense asteroid fields and capable of spending weeks in deep space before returning to base. It featured laser cannons, traditional cannons, advanced collision avoidance systems, had lots of scientific equipment on board and was piloted by the best scientists/astronauts the Earth Space Administration and Defense force (ESAD) had to offer. A real Swiss-army knife of spacecraft. In this old blog post I looked at the ACE and some of the story behind how I came up with it at the time, but I also challenged myself to create a third iteration of the design I had at the time. Perhaps it wasn't the greatest design I had ever made but then again I had only been doing 3D modeling for about two to four months or so. So now, twelve years later, I have finally revisted this design and hopefully improved it a bit, I think that even my seventeen year old self would approve.
Finally came the rest of the interior and the renders (the animation took several days to render because I don't know how to optimise my 3D scenes): Overall this has been a fun side-project, even though I rarely got to work on it, I actually started this project back in December 2021, but I'm happy to call it finished. Maybe I should revisit some other ships from this era, like the Aloadae II, the massive paddle / delta wing passenger shuttle or the Athena, my personal space yacht. We'll see!
Until next time, and as always have a nice day. Been doing quite a few Gamemaker Studio experiments recently, including messing around with 3D for the first time. 3D has been a challenge as the vector math, and lack of built-in functions have been making it much trickier to work with than the usual smooth ride that is 2D in Gamemaker. Still I've come up with some fun projects and I will be using 3D for most future projects for sure. Besides that I also made a quick bird to ward of other birds from our balcony. This was done in trueSpace, of course, and then made in wood and finished with an acryllic paint. That's it for this quick update. Until next time.
The Mallard Starcruiser is a spacecraft inspired by the great sea-planes of old. This spacecraft is a bit of a quick design but I had fun making it nonetheless. An animation + mix I made of some Electric Universe & Raja Ram tracks. I made this "mix track" a while back but I liked it and listen to it quite often while working so I figured I'd combine it with a 3D experiment I made and came up with this: Additional artwork related to the project:
Once again I returned this year to update a game project I work on once every year; the anniversary boardgame. Once a year for our anniversary my girlfriend and I play a game that captures our memories from the previous years, our experiences and in some cases our troubles. Every year I also like adding a new gameplay mechanic and this year I decided to take it a step further making it a full on RPG with even a basic questline. The game features various levels with cutscenes in between where I created renders. The character models are animated and made using a mix of MakeHuman and sculpting in Blender. I tried not to get too carried away with the character designs but overall it ended up being a little more work than anticipated and me only getting it done just before the actual anniversary. Here are some highlights of that... There is also a companion app that goes with the boardgame where each of us can control our avatars on the board by giving them simple commands like hostile/defensive stance, toggle weapons and change the direction in which we're facing on the board, just for fun. This was a fun project to work on for sure and I can't wait to see what I come up with next year. With the app and the RPG mechanics, there's a lot of potential for expansion so who knows, maybe next year I'll turn it into Elden Ring...
First creation of 2022. A simple doodle done on my laptop while in Italy. Say hello this happy swamp wizard creature.
Redesigned my old TCO-14 rifle from my Interstellar Marines fan-art days. The design wasn't actually made specifically for Interstellar Marines but was a concept I'd made some time earlier that I then turned into a 3D model as it seemed to fit the theme of the game. I always liked the compact design of the rifle and the top rail design that I added later and given the fact most of my client requests now are for firearms they science fiction or more realistic looking... I figured I'd use this as an opportunity to improve my understanding of what makes these things tick, so-to-speak. This is the end result of a lot of 3D modeling and animation in Blender as well and while I'm not too happy with either the design nor the animation, I learned a lot during this project and I'm much happier with the overall design of the redux version vs the original.
My name is Tymen, an illustrator originally from the Netherlands. MY Categories
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March 2023