After looking at other peoples work and looking at what this program can actually do, I'm starting to wonder if I should stop before I make a complete fool out of myself. There are so many things I do not know about this program that are right in front of me and I never seem to be able to get the renders right. Actually the render options in TrueSpace are actually quite divided, literally, you have the "workspace" which has a complete Direct X realtime rendered work area where you can see your model in (almost) full quality. Then, there is the "model" side where it's easier to build and where, as I recently discovered, there are a lot more render options if you just bother to look for them. Here I can also add reflections and other cool effects that somehow never seem to work in the workspace.
Another funny thing is that (TrueSpace being one of the most "bugged" programs I've ever used) no one seems to have the problems I've been struggling with the past year, sure there is a small section devoted to bugs and bug-fixes on the United 3D Artists forum but not much as there should be, in my opinion.
Also note that I have been using this program on at least 4-5 different computers during the past 10-11 months and that they all had the same problems, both TS 6 and TS 7 (which is the beta version I'm using).
Strangely, the main thing I noticed was that there aren't that many that use TrueSpace for games, in any way. I've read that TS has a build in scripting language you can use to create working games, sort of like the Blender game engine. The main thing TS is used for is design, this I can understand since it's really easy to make shapes in TrueSpace compared to programs like Max, Maya, XSI and Blender (Blender being one of the most impossible programs I've ever tried).
The thing that really bothers me is that I didn't learn anything today, nothing useful anyway for the things I make.
Actually I did learn one thing, the creators of this free website think we are all stupid. As you might (or might not) have noticed, I've added a Favicon to my site. The strange thing is, in the page settings it says that the Favicon option is only for registered user. I was just wondering how exactly that could be since adding a Favicon manually isn't exactly rocket science.
Therefore I gave it a try and guess what? it worked. Well that just shows you how nice people who offer you a free website still try to screw you...
I also added a link to my YouTube profile to this blog page, don't know why I didn't before but hey, it's here now.
So, that's all... Good night everyone.