I did a redesign of my "MY Design" logo. It should look a lot more organic now.
I also got some Indie games on the Steam sale a couple of days ago. Magica, Universe Sandbox and finally LIMBO (which I've been meaning to get for like... forever).
LIMBO for starters sure lives up the the critics it has received. The dark atmosphere and great 2D environments make it a very special experience. On the downside, to often the puzzles are made in a way you need to solve them by being quick with the fingers and in many cases that isn't even apparent so you spend ages trying to find a solution to a puzzle which you already thought of but then dismissed for being impossible.
Still, for a casual game to play, it's a very good game.
Universe Sandbox on the other hand is a game I can't say much about yet. It's not really a game either as such, the somewhat realistic physics make it a fascinating program to experiment in however there is only so much fun to be had with that.
I can't say it's all bad though since this would be a great learning to tool for people all ages getting to know the way the universe works.
Magica however is in a way the most fun game of them all and there-in lies the bitter disappointment... Not that I have a whole lot of experience playing the game yet but for the game quickly got way to hard for it to be a fun casual game. You really need to learn the spells and have the combinations ready before you attack and during a fight, trying to quickly remember the right combinations can be frustrating.
The story aspect of the game is great though, somewhat based in Norse mythology and with a decent amount of humour that reminds me a little of Terry Pratchett's "The Discworld" novels it makes me think it's a shame it doesn't have more story moments and less fighting giant monsters (and then dying a lot).
This all makes it a fun game that kinds destroys itself a bit by making it slightly to hard for the casual player.
So yeah, all good games but none without their small (or big) flaws.
No new models yet as such though I still have one work in progress I need to get finished.
Have a nice day!
Admiral Skeybar